Wednesday, May 03, 2006

Majority Leader Frist just doesn't get it. Leaders should lead.

Sen. Robert Menendez has just introduced a common-sense bill to reduce teen pregnancy, but anti-choice Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist has refused to even allow the bill to come up for a vote. As usual, he is wooing the radical right instead of supporting pragmatic solutions to problems that all Americans want to solve. Call Majority Leader Frist at 202-224-3344 and tell him that leaders should lead! Then, click here to tell us how it went.

The facts about teen pregnancy don't lie.
  • One out of three young women in America becomes pregnant before they reach the age of 20.
  • 820,000 young women become pregnant each year.
  • Eight out of 10 of these pregnancies are unintended and nearly 30% of these pregnancies end in abortion.
  • The United States has the highest rate of teen pregnancy in the Western industrialized world.

Frist and his political pals oppose abortion. But they refuse to sit at the table to discuss common-sense solutions to teen pregnancy, and ways to reduce the need for abortion in the first place. It is simply inexcusable that anti-choice congressional leaders aren't doing more to address this urgent problem.

Unfortunately, young women pay the price for Bill Frist's lack of leadership. Call Majority Leader Frist at 202-224-3344 and say, "Please allow a vote on Senator Menendez's common-sense bill to reduce teen pregnancy, the Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Responsibility and Opportunity Act (S.2508)." Then, click here to tell us how it went.

The bill -- introduced by Senator Robert Menendez (D - NJ) -- is a common-sense, common-ground approach that empowers families, parents, and local communities. The Teen Pregnancy Prevention, Responsibility and Opportunity Act will:
  1. Provide educational services and interventions for sexually active teens or teens at risk of becoming sexually active.
  2. Educate both young men and women about the responsibilities and pressures that come along with parenting.
  3. Encourage teens to delay sexual activity.
  4. Help parents communicate with teens about sex.
  5. Teach young people responsible decision-making skills.

Today, May 3, is the National Day to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. Show Senator Frist that Americans are interested in real results that are possible through the Menendez bill, not the irresponsible rhetoric of the extreme right. Call Senator Frist at 202-224-3344 and urge him to support this measure to reduce teen pregnancy -- then, tell us how it went.

Thank you for all you do to protect a woman's right to choose.

Kristin Koch
Kristin Koch
Assistant Director of Communications -- Online Advocacy

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