Wednesday, November 08, 2006

The Votes Are In! And I Didn't Win. :(

BUT, I got 11.4% of the vote. Not so bad, considering I barely campaigned. Something about breaking up with a husband and having the previous husband die that just takes the thrill out of it. LOL And, I didn't believe I would win. Between my late entry into the race and the local papers hatred of Libertarians that turned the race into "the evil Libertarians against the good Dems/Reps", there was little chance of my swaying the majority.

Here are the results:

NP - Michael J. Wallace 26340 27.42
NP - Bernard L. Stewart 24264 25.26
NP - Jacob Eapen 24096 25.08
NP - Gwen S Todd 10795 11.24
NP - Steve Strayer 10228 10.65
Write-in 335 0.35

Stay tuned. I already have my candidate info site for the next run and have learned a lot about what to expect. Watch this space for me to be the WINNER of the race next time around.

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